Thursday, April 18, 2013

Deciding on Happiness

     Have you ever had the rug pulled out from under you? or maybe missed the last step on a flight of stairs? that feeling inside is so specific.  Yesterday I had that happen to me, not physically, but mentally.  
     It's been a long road to where me and Mark are now.  It has taking many leaps of faith, and tons of stress.  And just when it seemed God was giving Mark his dream job, and putting us in a perfect environment for me and the girls... well lets just say it feels like a door just got slammed in our faces.  
     It is so hard to recover as you watch a dream float away from reach.  You just have to take a deep breath and plow forward. And that is what I want to talk about.  choosing to be happy.  Happiness is not something you can buy; and even when you find it, that doesn't mean it will stay around.   Happiness is a choice, a daily decision to be content with what you have and to be happy with what is giving to you.  That being said, it is a DAILY DECISION! It will always be a battle, a daily choice to have the right state of mind.  There are going to be days when it is going to be harder than others.  Like when you were up most of the night with a restless baby, or when you wake up with a headache... oh the list goes on.  But I am finding happiness comes a lot easier; when you have a childlike faith, and trust that God knows what He is doing with everything that is happening in my family's life.  So instead of getting angry, or arguing with God.  I'm going to make the decision, for today at least, to lean on God and trust him.  And to be happy for everything He has already blessed me and my family with! 

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